In this script example, there are two functions, one that gets a worldMatrix of an object and one that decomposes a matrix into translation, rotation, and scale. I think I've annotated it pretty well, but a big thing to note is that if you freeze translation on an object, it won't return the correct world values for the object you input.
Just change the nodeName to your object name and run the script.
import maya.cmds as cmds import maya.api.OpenMaya as OpenMaya import math import sys def getMatrix(node): ''' Gets the world matrix of an object based on name. ''' #Selection list object and MObject for our matrix selection = OpenMaya.MSelectionList() matrixObject = OpenMaya.MObject() #Adding object selection.add(node) #New api is nice since it will just return an MObject instead of taking two arguments. MObjectA = selection.getDependNode(0) #Dependency node so we can get the worldMatrix attribute fnThisNode = OpenMaya.MFnDependencyNode(MObjectA) #Get it's world matrix plug worldMatrixAttr = fnThisNode.attribute( "worldMatrix" ) #Getting mPlug by plugging in our MObject and attribute matrixPlug = OpenMaya.MPlug( MObjectA, worldMatrixAttr ) matrixPlug = matrixPlug.elementByLogicalIndex( 0 ) #Get matrix plug as MObject so we can get it's data. matrixObject = matrixPlug.asMObject( ) #Finally get the data worldMatrixData = OpenMaya.MFnMatrixData( matrixObject ) worldMatrix = worldMatrixData.matrix( ) return worldMatrix def decompMatrix(node,matrix): ''' Decomposes a MMatrix in new api. Returns an list of translation,rotation,scale in world space. ''' #Rotate order of object rotOrder = cmds.getAttr('%s.rotateOrder'%node) #Puts matrix into transformation matrix mTransformMtx = OpenMaya.MTransformationMatrix(matrix) #Translation Values trans = mTransformMtx.translation(OpenMaya.MSpace.kWorld) #Euler rotation value in radians eulerRot = mTransformMtx.rotation() #Reorder rotation order based on ctrl. eulerRot.reorderIt(rotOrder) #Find degrees angles = [math.degrees(angle) for angle in (eulerRot.x, eulerRot.y, eulerRot.z)] #Find world scale of our object. scale = mTransformMtx.scale(OpenMaya.MSpace.kWorld) #Return Values return [trans.x,trans.y,trans.z],angles,scale #If we're in the main namespace run our stuffs! if __name__ == '__main__': #Defining object name. nodeName = 'yourName' #Get Matrix mat = getMatrix(nodeName) #Decompose matrix matDecomp = decompMatrix(nodeName,mat) #Print our values sys.stdout.write('\n---------------------------%s---------------------------\n'%nodeName) sys.stdout.write('\nTranslation : %s' %matDecomp[0]) sys.stdout.write('\nRotation : %s' %matDecomp[1]) sys.stdout.write('\nScale : %s\n' %matDecomp[2])
You could very easily get an MMatrix using maya.cmds by just doing:
mat = OpenMaya.MMatrix(cmds.getAttr('YourNode.worldMatrix'))
But this will only work with the new API, not the old.